You Might Be A Worship Leader

As I quickly mentioned last night, we bought a couple of big binders from Walmart to reorganize our worship music into. This is the kind of task that I always mean to do but never get there. Any other time, those stupid binders would have sat in the the side table in our living room with the rest of our music books until our tiny, overstuffed music binder finally broke. Then I’d likely grumble a bit and finally put together all of the music from that binder, plus the huge stack that hasn’t fit into it ever, and get it all put together. BUT I rocked a better attitude and decided to get on it first thing this morning. This is a bit of what I was talking about in my “resolutions” post. Its not a huge job or anything at all, but its something that needs to get done, so why not do it if I have time! Its just sorting a binder. Its really just saying the alphabet over and over in my head and punching holes. Plus, doing it now will likely save me time in the future, as the pile of music just builds and builds. We were so good at putting the new music away immediately for a while, but as the binder got too full, it just stopped happening.

So I sorted and alphabetized and punched holes all morning. I got our whole old binder plus the huge stack reorganized and into a new, MUCH bigger binder. I also separated all of the Christmas out into its own, smaller binder. Everything thats a cover song or mainstream radio music is in its own place as well. Its all good to go! I feel very accomplished, having completed a decent sized task. However, I dont know if I sat funny or what exactly but my butt is killing me and my right leg feels as though it might fall off, so I’ve traded in my chores for my bed, and am taking a load off while Laela naps and Dekker talks quietly in his bed. Might update the laptop in a minute or two. That should be a riot and a half. This is literally as exciting as our day will get, I’m thinking. But its good. I already got something done anyway. Not a total loss 🙂