I promise. I don’t give Valentines Day a lot of stock. You do NOT have to like Valentines Day to be here. I agree that its a way to make money and force us to buy things and such. I get it. I think if its the ONLY day of the year you are given affection or attention from your person, then thats not right. I think its nice to be sweet and attentive as possible regularly. But if its not your strong suit, and you think of it on Valentines Day, go for it. You do you, wherever you fall on the spectrum of feelings.
Last year on this day, Brady was still in RUH’s neuro ward. He was sharing a room with three other men who were all WAY older than him and in WAY better condition. They could get around on their own, do most everything on their own, and they would be gone in a day or two. And then there Brady was, flat on his back, for eight days.
That was the ONE DAY I wore makeup to the hospital.
Well. Thats a lie. I wore the same makeup the next day (don’t judge me) and bawled it off on the drive home after learning that someone had texted Brady and suggested I wasn’t Christian enough in my blogs. 🙄😔😭 So that sucked. I don’t care to hold a grudge, but some of that garbage is hard to forget.
This years Valentine’s Day has been a lot less disruptive or crushing, haha! 🙃 We had coffee and breakfast with Cher, which was a really nice kickoff. Then Brady and I took Solly and Wavy to Saskatoon for a Home Depot/Michaels run, because those are a thing we do now that are totally justified and a lot of fun!
We’ll spend the evening with my mom and Cher, eating good food and enjoying good company. The nine of us make a really good group 💜 Definitely some of my absolute favorite people!
Brady, I love you. I vastly prefer you being home than at the hospital. Last year I was put together, and you were not. This year, you’re put together and I’m not. But I know you love me anyway.

Have a happy (or not happy) Valentines (or not Valentines) day! 💜