The whole gang packed up for church today. You guys know, church has been extra hard with Wavy these days. Not because she’s not a TOTAL peach, but she’s at a tricky stage.
She’s really screechy and loud with her newfound voice, and she really wants to go, but she also doesn’t want to be put down, or be held constantly. Its hard for me to find that delicate balance between letting her wander and babble a little, but without letting her get disruptive or distracting. The screeching alone has been reason enough to keep her home recently, as much of it was based on fatigue and teething, but today we decided to all go together.
We made it in time to drop Brady and the four kids off at Sunday school. Solly went without hesitation this time, which is pretty great. They all ran happily to their rooms, and I got Waverly settled in the stroller for our walk! A couple of other moms with babies had decided to meet and walk a bit during Sunday school, and while we got ourselves together, we were joined by a few others! It was SO nice to got for a walk as a group in the beautiful morning sun. Four of us with strollers and two without. It may not have been in the church but you can’t tell me it wasn’t fellowship! I loved it. None of the babies even fussed. It was perfect.
We got to church just in time, and my mom and I sat down to hold a bench for my family. They joined eventually, and the music started. A couple of the older kids abandoned us to go sit with friends, and the littles stayed put. Waverly is not wanting to be held 100% of the time, and now that she’s walking, I set her down and let her wander into the aisle. While everyone sang, she walked up a few steps closer to the front and stood in this little squat position, and bounced and swayed to the music. I was so enamoured with her, and she was a bit of a hit to those around her, too.

I couldn’t resist taking a picture! Lol!
She did great through music, and schmoozed a little during our greeting time, but she was getting pretty vocal during the quieter parts of the service. I took her out to walk her around a little, and made my way back in after a while. She insisted on going down from my lap, and of course the moment she was down, she wiped out and bonked her head. More crying. We left, and came back in again, and she was just so unsettled. Brady took a turn and lasted about ten seconds before having to take her out. Finally I gave in and decided she and I would go home. We had the stroller out anyway.
So Wavy and I went home early, but we still had some lovely time with our community. We definitely tried.
Church is hard with kids. Plain and simple. Its not glamorous. But we’re trying so hard to bring our children up in a family where church is the norm. Laela said today that Sunday is her favorite day. I love that. I want them to all love Sunday. One day Waverly will scream less, and it’ll be easier. Right??