You are brave because you keep going with a positive attitude, even though you know there are more challenges today than there were last year.
You are brave because you choose to rely on God for answers instead of trying to control the outcome of all your situations.
You are brave because you push yourself to learn new things, even when it scares you.
Because you don’t know what the end game is, but you keep looking up and forward, despite all the roadblocks and detours.
You follow through with everything you say, even when it’s easier to let things go and walk away.
You make unpopular and difficult decisions because you know they will produce the best outcomes.
You are brave because you have learned to speak up for yourself and maintain healthy boundaries.
Because you choose to believe that your opinions matter and your time is valuable. Because it is.

I know it has been a ridiculously disappointing day, my sweet best friend. But know that you are doing such an amazing job just being yourself. I love you so much.
Your best friend,
Glad to see you’re still “hanging in there”, as per the picture. Hope you’re okay ❤️