Yesterdays Whirlwind

As I mentioned yesterday, I took all the kids to a morning appointment, then back home for lunch, and then back into the city. We were in the city from about 3:30-6:30, killing a lot of time and trying to be at least somewhat productive. I’ve been really trying to wrap up the whole school supplies thing ahead of time this year, and I’m SO CLOSE! If any of my keener friends are hitting up/ordering from Staples anytime soon, can I please add something super tiny to your order? Cannot justify driving in for such a tiny thing, but I can get it myself in the future as well 😅 I’m just so eager to wipe this slate clean and not worry about school supplies anymore!

We perused Walmart for a good hour, getting some missed supplies and VERY little else of what we came for. Merp. But that was alright. We still got a few groceries, and even ran into a friend. It was cute but also total chaos. These kids have not been in stores enough since covid killed all of our family grocery shopping fun. Its like herding cats. Especially with Wavy! Whew! That one is just positively buzzing!

Anyway. The joy of all the action and everyone being super hyper was that they slept well and woke up pretty happy 💜

I LOVE when they wake up happy 💜

Two of the kids were off for the morning. It felt oddly peaceful to be down to four, but I was not complaining! I had a coffee and planning date with Cher, and now I’m doing a little bit more planning with Brady via text. Meals for camp and such. Our weekend is a bit out of order this time around, thanks to a Saturday at work, but we’re making it work! Just shifting some things around 🙂 Still easy.

I’m looking forward to the weekend. And I’m also anticipating a day or two FREE of appointments, starting today! Still lots to do, but with fewer deadlines.

Still hoping for a family walk this evening 💜 That would be really nice.