So. Its cold. Its winter, so thats not surprising, but its been so beautifully deceptively springy outside that the cold is just hitting harder. Brrrrr!!
Rowan had a birthday party yesterday afternoon, so while Solly and Wavy took rests, Dekker and Laela ASKED to go for a walk!!! They’re nuts, but they loved it! They were even a little late getting back. Over an hour out in the bitter cold!

I was surprised at Dekker, as he HATES being outside in the cold, but Laela loves it 🙂 So it was a pretty cute scene.
The day wrapped up with everyone home, eating an enormous pot of soup that I made. I tried a new recipe and absolutely everyone ate it and liked it. Which was convenient because when I say I made an enormous pot of it, it was truly that much. My largest pot was so full, when I stirred with any oomph, it spilled over. So. Good thing everyone liked it.
Bedtime was cute. I snuggled with the fuzzy one.

He loves being fuzzy. He keeps presenting his head to be rubbed. Maybe it’ll bring good luck.
And now, today, it is once again freezing outside. Rides to school. No recess. No skating. But lots of cozy inside time, which I cannot complain about 💜 Thank you, Lord, for the roof over our heads.