Yesterday was Cute

I didn’t have anything crazy planned for Brady’s birthday. We’re both a touch limited these days, and while we carry the pressure and stress better than we used to, its still heavy. So I knew we’d keep it simple, and that was ok. The main events were going to be a run to the city where Brady could go pick up his gift, and then a yummy supper after the kids went down for bed.

First thing was first, though. Cher brought donuts and coffee once the kids were gone to school, and the three of us chatted for a bit. Wavy hung around, and got a bite here and there. She is SO easy to add to the mix. It wasn’t a long coffee though, because we had to head to Saskatoon and Cher had to study. So we went our separate by mid-morning.

It turned into a bit of an errand day, but we had a good time. Wavy rocked ALL the patterns, yet somehow her eyes still stole the show!! 😍 How does she do that?!

We hit Walmart, because I needed some yarn. Yes, before anyone says it, I KNOW I have lots! But I have a couple of orders to fill (eek!!!) and I need specific things. Also, the kids needed jeans, and Walmart jeans are actually awesome, and cheap. Who knew?? So we got jeans. And yarn. You may have seen it on Insta.

When all the things on my list are completed and I can make time to crochet something for ME, I have biiiiig purple goals. Ack!

Once we were done with Walmart, we headed too……. *drumroll*

Lee Valley!!

Brady has a big ole infatuation with Lee Valley since he got so invested in woodworking. He’s had his eye on a few different items for a while now, but we don’t have as much of a disposable income as we did once, so he’s been graciously holding off on buying new things and working on things he has already. Yesterday, I told him he should finally buy that particular chisel set he’s been eyeing up. Paired with some birthday money he received otherwise, he was able to buy another item he’s been wanting – a pull saw. Its basically a machete, let’s be real. He was SO excited.

Thankfully, Wavy needed a shorty nap when we got home, so Brady could unpack his stuff and actually check it out.

I’m confident he’ll tell you more about this stuff later. He already did a little! Follow him on his woodworking pages if you want to seeeee!! ICS Woodworking on Fb and Insta!

Wavy was not ready to get up when the kids got home, but it had to be done.

Unrelated side note: She is loving her big girl bed. She never gets out of it. She sometimes walks on it, or sits up and gets silly and hyper, but she did the same in her crib. She is SO obedient in it. Though now that I’m saying it, you know its all over, lol!

Later in the afternoon, a loving friend came by our house with a stack of books for our children 💜 Completely unprompted, she had decided to buy everyone a new book, and had even had a covert convo with one of our kids to find out what they would like. SUCH a huge win! 🥺 I am continually overwhelmed by people remembering our family and continuing to put into us even when we seem “all better.” I was truly touched by this gift.

The kids had KD for supper, and Brady and I prepped a bit to eat later. I chose for us to have steak and potatoes, which is a rare treat for us, and Brady’s favorite thing. We have barely ever made steak, so its a HUGE treat. We made it count, though, and Brady whipped up a marinade for a foolish amount of meat. But hey. It was a birthday. Meanwhile, I tried a new potato recipe.

And it all worked out!! It may not look beautiful but it sure tasted beautiful!

So what you have here are crispy parm potatoes, and striploin steak, medium rare, with blue cheese crumbled on top. 😵 Best of all, it was ALL easy.

So Brady and I ate our body weight in meat and potatoes, and then remained fat and lazy for the rest of the evening, groaning with every move we made. It was so worth it, though. I was so thrilled to be able to actually eat and enjoy the food! Small victories.

I think I can safely say that Brady had a good birthday. Welcome to 33, sweet man! Let’s try and calm down the drama for this next one…..