Brady has been home, so we’ve been doing a bit of running around and filling our days with jobs around the house, and errands that are SO much easier to run with another adult.
Yesterday, we spent all morning in the city, running in and out of a handful of places, getting me to my last pre-baby physio appointment, buying material for a little project, getting Dekker a few more tshirts for summer, etc. It was busy, but the kids were cute and pretty cooperative!
Brady had to run into a grocery store right at the end for milk (Is it just us, or is everyone always out of milk?!) and Laela and I played with the leftover fries from lunch.
When we got back home, the little boys had both slept in the van, so nap time was shot. Brady took the littles out with him while he worked on a project in the garage so they could bike on the street, play in the garage, etc. They LOVED it, until they didn’t anymore. The noise of the saw eventually got to a couple of them, and they came in and hung out with me while I blogged and rested in bed. Rowan felt the baby move for the first time!! I have it on video, but videos are SUCH a pain to get onto the blog (if only it were as easy as pictures!) so if you’d like to see it, just let me know and I’ll send it around or throw it on Facebook 🙂 It was VERY sweet, anyway.
He was blown away that she could get the hiccups while she was still in my tummy! It was so cute to see him so excited.
We ate a ridiculously yummy supper that was given to us by neighbours! They were just married on the weekend and have a ton of leftover food from their wedding, and we were more than happy to take some of it off their hands, haha!
My gosh, it was SO yummy! Every single thing. I would happily just sit with one of these trays on my lap and dig in if not for the rest of my family who in fact also eat.
Another one of our loving neighbours SO sweetly bought us some flowers for our front step planter, and Laela even asked to have her preschool beans planted in her backyard garden! So we spent a bit of time with them, digging in the dirt, planting and watering, and somewhat manhandling their garden :/ Sorry, guys!!!
It was a solidly full day, and the kids fell asleep quick. Brady and I realized yesterday, however, that we had left a few things in the city that we need, so we decided on a shorter trip in for the morning.
And that was this morning! We all managed to be ready and dressed in time to take Dekker to school together, and then we headed into the city once again. Look at this little sweetie, rocking her romper!
She was so sweet!!
We got some lumber that we missed the other day, hit Value Village for a couple of things, and went to Starbucks to try the brand new refresher!
Its SO pretty, and way more purple than the picture shows! Also yummy 🙂
And home we went! Brady, once again, has the kids in the garage while he’s working on the project, and I’m taking a load off, blogging, and putting my feet up. As is Bambina, whose feet are literally underneath my ribs this very moment. She’s lucky I love her so much.
We’ll see what the afternoon holds, but I hope for a solid mix of relaxation and productivity! Our to-do list is dwindling, but I have a little list on the side that is things that only really need doing the week before baby week. Aaaaand that’s next week!! WOW! So we sort of need to crush this list before too long!
Eek! I’ve never been so excited to get work done!