Guys, I said a handful of times that we have to take a nice picture in the daylight, but we forgot once again. I think our most recent nice selfie is from a year ago, and while we both look really nice in it, we had just lost our second baby that year and all I see is my sad eyes. I’ve got to get a better one, but tonight, I forgot. Whoops! Maybe next time!
We started at the theatre. We were hoping to go to that nice new theatre across the city again but Mamma Mia 2 was playing at the cheap seats! So we did that instead. It was cute 🙂 I legitimately teared up through the last song in the movie, and then there was a hilarious encore number with the entire cast, somewhat separate from the movie itself, which I THOROUGHLY enjoyed!!! Was such a good ending!
After the movie, we headed for supper. It was kind of out of order, but we’re old and didn’t want to go to the later show. It didn’t matter. Boston Pizza always tastes good!!! We enjoyed tropical chicken pizza (my favorite) and I had long island iced tea. It sounds so dumb, but I forgot they existed this summer, and I SO enjoy them! The season is all wrong, but I had to get one in at least!! Was SO yummy!
We made it home sometime after 10:00 to a quiet house and our lovely friend walking our twitchy baby through the house. It is wrong that I was secretly relieved that she was still up??
We fed her and tucked in for the night shortly after getting home, and Wavy gave us a solid seven hour stretch of sleep! We woke up feeling pretty refreshed, and dove into our productive day! We’re getting a few things sorted out for Laela’s birthday tomorrow, getting Dekker ready for a party he’s invited to today, and we’re kicking off some electrical in the basement! Go us!!
I hope your Saturday is as productive as ours!! I kid. I actually hope you’re all having a solidly lazy Saturday. Either or is good 😉