Work and Blessing

This morning was busy straight out of the gate! Before 9am, I had made two batches of granola bars! I had help, of course.

Then, I took a load off and had coffee with Cher before she got back to studying and I got back into the kitchen! Of course, by that time, the babies were up, so I was less efficient by far. It was still cute, and I have zero complaints!

Still in the morning, I made a batch of jam jams (my first ever batch) and in the afternoon, I made the cookies for some oreos that I will fill closer to the date! I think most of us over here prefer my lemon oreos, but the chocolate ones are also delicious, and some weirdos out there don’t like lemon as much. So we’ll leave room for those people. I guess.

I got the girls to ballet and whipped up a batch of pumpkin muffins. I usually do two batches in the same sitting but one will do for today. Tomorrow is another day! Though, that day holds more than this day did, so we’ll see how far I get! 😅 That preparation bug has bit hard, as it tends to do, so I’m trying to bake it away! Wish me luck!

What are your favorite Christmas treats that I haven’t made yet?