I don’t even know how to introduce todays post. I’m so overwhelmed in so many different directions. I’m thrilled, and truly afraid. I’m tired, and buzzing. I’m sick but I’m ready. I’ve been nesting hard, preparing, crushing my lists, working myself into a tizzy, yet she could come this moment, and everything would be perfect. I’m such a mixture of emotions.
Size Comparison: The baby is the size of a ukulele, which I LOVE! I don’t even really care if its accurate or not, lol! I’m a big fan of the idea 🙂 I suppose it could be right length wise, but I’m pretty sure ukuleles don’t weigh as much as my kids tend to…
Appointments: I had a prenatal appointment on Friday. My doctor was away at a conference, but my student doctor was there, and another lovely doctor was there to oversee. I asked my few questions, we discussed how sick I’ve been recently, and he approved the few things I was doing to try and get through this cold. Baby’s heart rate was all good, according to him. Apparently accelerations and decelerations are really good to see, but I don’t much care for a deceleration the way he does. Gives me the shivers. But he was happy with his findings anyway. I asked him if he could tell if the baby’s head was engaged, and he straight up admitted to me that he’s just not confident really ever in babies positions. He gave me his best guess but said he’d bring in the overseeing physician. I was glad he did 🙂 Not because I don’t trust him, but she was so gentle and confident and used me as a bit of a teaching moment, showing him over and over what felt like what, how the baby curves once they’re this tall, and how to grip the baby’s head. She said that she could still grip Bambina’s head, but that it didn’t wiggle too much. So its somewhat engaged, but not all the way. In my previous experience, once the doctor can’t really find the head anymore, that kid is engaged!! But, to be fair, two of my kids never ever “engaged” or dropped fully until delivery. I blame their huge noggins. So maybe thats the case.
How am I feeling emotionally: Truth be told, I feel both extremes of emotion pretty heavily. I go from euphoria to panic incredibly quickly. Baby day cannot come soon enough! I can’t wait to just take that deep breath when she’s FINALLY safe in my arms.
How am I feeling physically: This week I have felt SO sick with this cold, coughing my lungs out until my ribs ached. Its been pretty consuming, if I’m being honest. I’ve felt completely out to lunch. My whole body is loosening up, so I’m very sore, regardless of how good I am at following the rules. All kinds of fun things like that. A special fun thing thats started recently is that baby girl will get her foot riiiiight on my ribs and push with all her might, and then slip off at the last minute. Its kind of wild, while its happening, to think that there is a person in there causing the uproar. She’s feisty. This all being said, I’m wondering if she dropped! Today specifically, I noticed some relief in the breathing department, yet my pelvis is MUCH worse than its been. Plus, my handibelt almost doesn’t fit over my hips anymore, and it absolutely fit very recently…
Wish Lish/Purchases: Its so hard to keep track of this stuff week to week! Baby’s little purple soothers came in the mail, which is a big YAY! I also got a parcel of three dresses I ordered from the Gap hoping one would be pretty for the baby party, but they were all a bust :/ To be clear, its not a fancy party at all, but I thought a dress might be a tad more forgiving, considering I’ll be less than two weeks postpartum at the time. Oh well! Found one todaaaaay!!
Pictures: The apps said I’m probably as big as I’m going to get at this point…
I don’t buy it. Comparing it to Cher’s picture from two weeks ago, I don’t know, but I definitely see some dropping taking place.
Anyone else?
How are the kids feeling: Two of the kids have now felt Bambina move! Its hard to coordinate when kids have the attention span for it and she’s moving somewhat consistently, but Laela and Rowan have both now felt her hiccup. It seems to have made her existence even more real, specifically for Laela.

She is SO smitten for her sister these days!
Baby girl gets kisses, rub downs, and is greeted all day, every morning and evening, you name it. The kids also love feeling my tummy and finding the hard spots, and then speculating what they are. In fact, they’re sooooo interested in the hard spots, sometimes what they find is a contraction because they’re pushing and poking at her so much!
Getting to know the baby: Speaking of hiccups, lol, she gets them WAY more now! She has not been a hiccupy baby up to this point, but probably in the last week or two, that has jumped like crazy!! I love them 🙂
The BEST part of being pregnant:This week, I realized just how close baby day is! Its NEXT WEEK! I can look on the 14 day trend on the weather network and see the predicted weather on/around baby day! I have enough underwear to last until baby day! Heck, our milk will still be good after baby day!!! Not that it’ll last that long, because we drink an unreasonable amount of milk over here. But seriously, its COMING. Its officially crunch time!
Favourite thing: Skor McFlurries. Hands down. If you haven’t had one yet, go get one. They’re more decadent than you’d like. Specifically, the McDonalds in Martensville loads them with Skor chunks! And not just Skor bits out of a bag. Real chunks.
My beautiful little miss, you are invited to come absolutely any time! You’ve got another week, give or take, before I’m going to just come and get you finally!! Mommy is impatient, and somewhat in disbelief that you could actually come home and join us soon! You are well loved like the rest of your siblings, but it is possible you are the most anticipated baby I’ve ever carried. As your biggest brother Dekker would say, I can’t wait to give you, like, a billion kisses.
If I didn’t love you already, I would just from this one piece of writing! Can’t wait to see her.
I love you too, Willa! And I also can’t wait for her!!! <3