Size Comparison: A ferret? A 5 lb ferret. Not my favorite mental picture, but ok. I’ll roll with it. Baby Center says a pineapple. I like that WAY better!! 🍍
Appointments: I have one this Friday! I’ll let you know next week how it goes 🙂 I think the only real question I have for them is to ask permission to have someone come along to take pictures. Because that is only fitting for the most well documented pregnancy of all time, right??? I don’t anticipate an issue with it, but I’d hate to have an issue on the day because I neglected to ask.
How am I feeling emotionally: Its been a weird week in the way of emotions. I mentioned the other day that we have two dresser drawers in our bedroom, waiting to hold Bambina’s clothing, blankets, diapers, etc. One is currently holding some baby stuff we’ve picked up through our losses, and the other holds paperwork and Jamin’s scary little box of cremains. I just don’t know what to do with them. While I KNOW that it is perfectly acceptable and wonderful that we are pregnant again and excited to welcome another life into our family, it sometimes feels really bad 🙁 In this case, I feel pretty sick about moving Jamin’s ashes to make room for stacks and stacks of pink sleepers, flannel blankets, and teeny tiny white socks. I haven’t been able to do it quite yet, but I really want the jobs to start getting done. I combined the drawers into one for the time being, so Bambina has at least one drawer of her stuff, and the other drawer is filled with the memories I’m not sure what to do with. I know that drawer needs to get sorted and reestablished before she comes, but I’ll get there. This just wasn’t the week for it.
How am I feeling physically: Last night, I slipped getting into the tub. I’m SO careful, but alas, it was bound to happen. I slammed my knee into the tile edge, and wrenched my back HARD. At least it was before the bath and not after, right? So needless to say, not only is my knee super swollen today, but my body is pretty unhappy. Thankfully, this week is less slammed than the recent weeks, and I was planning to hit up my chiropractor anyway, so it couldn’t come at a better time! I also have a super annoying and persistent eye twitch that refuses to quit. I’m sure its partly due to stress, but usually this kind of thing is resolved with a chiro treatment. All the more reason to get there! Beyond that, not much as changed. Reflux is still around, I’m still congested with plugged ears, etc. I don’t anticipate much change in that area until Bambina is born!
Wish Lish/Purchases: I’m SO excited! Baby party invites have arriiiiived!!! Eek! They’re SO pretty and just exactly what I pictured. I’d show you, but then I’d have to kill you 🤷 Because her name is on them. Twice! Besides that, I was gifted a bag of beautiful little baby girl things to add to her adorable little wardrobe. We are so well set up these days <3 Branching off of this, though, I need more kids hangers!! Lol! I bought a TON from Ikea when I was in Edmonton the other weekend and they didn’t even dent my “issue.” Lol! Add that to the wish list! Or just the errand list… I haven’t bit the bullet on anything from the bigger list that I shared last week, but I’m working on it. I’ve made a few decisions finally! So, success.
Pictures: Have you noticed the fresh “day of” pictures recently? Cher has been coming every Monday to take pictures recently, so it would appear that, barring any unforeseen changes, I’ll have a new picture for each series post for the duration of this pregnancy!! If you don’t care about belly pictures, thats completely fine! Just you wait for what comes after the belly pictures!!!
That bumpity bump just keeps getting bigger and bigger… No lie…
It keeps happening!
How are the kids feeling: These kids were just built to have a big family. They make my heart swell on the daily. Even after those really long, trying days when I have my mama doubts and fears, Brady and I always end up discussing how amazing they are, and how grateful we are, and how hard they try, day in and day out! They are exceptional! I will never tire of the cards Dekker makes for her, the pictures that Rowan has started coloring for me and her, and how Laela insists that she will hold Bambina all day, every day.
Seriously, I am just so excited to add another family member to our group. And so are they! I know many people view a baby as a bit of a shake down, but I feel like when we finally have our baby out and in our arms, things can finally go back to normal!!
Getting to know the baby: We had a big errand day last week, where we shopped Costco, Walmart, and Superstore. Among those things, I got super lost in the hospital trying to visit a friend. Basically, I got my exercise that day! And WOW, the baby did NOT like it! Lol! She’s not so much into the “physical fitness” side of things. Which I’m ok with. She’ll want to be busy soon enough. I hope she just wants to sleep and snuggle for the first little while. I know thats all I’ll want to do! Thats SUCH a good part!
The BEST part of being pregnant: These days, the best part of being pregnant is my children, specifically Dekker, snuggling up with my belly. Most of the time, I get down to his level and hug him tight, but the times that I stay standing, he takes as opportunities to snuggle Bambina. I LOVE this, and will miss it so much when its over. He’ll gently rub my tummy and talk to Bambina. Sometimes he makes jokes to her, or pokes his nose into me. And then he just rests his head there, waiting to feel her. He hasn’t yet felt her move, because attention spans are a thing. I hope she puts on a good show for them still before she’s born! I know they would all get a kick out of her kicks 😉
Favourite thing: THIS is my favorite thing!!! 😍
To be fair, I haven’t had the opportunity to use it yet, but I know it will be one of the best things for this summer!! We had absolutely no cover on our deck last year, which was fine, but not ideal. The kids got red and sweaty and overdone very quickly, and this way, Bambina and I can join the fun when the kids want to play outside, and we’ll all be able to enjoy the deck together, whether its sunny or shady.
I often write these series posts all throughout the day, which is handy for a few reasons. It leaves time for my lovely friend to come take pictures and even edit one or two up for me to use. It gives me wiggle room to remember things that I don’t necessarily jot down my first go round. This is my third time sitting down to work on it, and as I lay here, reclined in bed, which I can only do for a short, short time before Bambina’s weight crushes my insides and makes it impossible to breathe, she’s rolling around like a maniac in there, trying to distract me from the task at hand. I’m sure it’ll only be more so that way when she’s on the outside. Which will be in roughly SIX WEEKS!! Somebody pinch me!!
Except don’t, because I’ll cut you 🤨 I mean it. Do not pinch me.