I don’t know if its the season or just straight up bad luck but man. We have had a really bummer time with our vehicles and their glass this season.
A month or two ago, the bus took a big rock in the face and the windshield cracked right in the eye line. It was a bummer, but things happen, and we have extra insurance that makes our deductible on windows less. So we got to it and got it replaced.
A few days ago, Brady took gravel to work and some little sedan unknowingly threw a gigantic rock at the minivan. Brady said it was SO loud, he ducked. It left a big ole bullseye, once again, right in the eye line. So once again, calls are in, and we’re waiting on another new windshield.
And then yesterday, we got the mother of all rock chips. “Chip.”

Don’t get me started. My entire hand fit right in there. So I started the van to move it into the garage, and the moment I shut my door…


So I pushed the rest of the glass out and drove the thing into the garage. It is now covered with cardboard and garbage bags, and it’ll have to do for now. But man. Man. A lower deductible saves less money when you have to pay it so many times.
Also, does anyone remember that the bus has had the drivers side mirror ripped off twice this year?? Man alive.
It’s going to be ok. I have tools.

But for real, it will be ok. I’m pretty grumpy, but it will all get cleared up shortly and it’ll be like it never happened. Until then, I’ll be inside.