The plan for today was to hang at home. The company who taped our basement walls planned to come back today to do some standard touch-ups. Also, the company who fixed our siding (I use the word “fixed” loosely, its been SUCH a gong show) is coming back for yet more repairs today. At least thats what they said. They don’t usually come the first time they say they will. So thats fun for us. Anyway, with two trades on the books to be at my home today, we were just going to be home.
For the most part, its still going to be a home day. Except I got an email from Dekker’s teacher saying he had forgotten his form for hot lunch this Friday. Shoot! I thanked her for letting me know and said we’d plan to come pick him up after school today rather than letting him come home on his own. But she replied and said it actually had to be in by lunch time today.
Of course, as I’m reading this, a truck pulls up. Timing, am I right? Once he was set up, I started getting the kids dressed and out the door. I tipped him off that I was stepping out for a bit and the house was his, whatever he needed. I like their company a lot, so I trust their people a lot, too. They’ve been nothing but respectful and efficient! We left, and I loaded a couple of kids into the stroller.
WOW did I underestimate the wind!!! It was SO windy!!! Thankfully, my kids are total troopers, and toughed it out. Remember a while back, I said that my cure-all for wounds is putting “stuff” on it? They just accept that as a fix. A drink of water, and some stuff. Well, my “solution” to wind (as if it somehow needs solving) is ponytails. Everyone gets a ponytail when its windy. Somehow, when I do that, there is no longer any frustration with the wind. They just take it! So, thats what we did. Two kids in strollers, two kids in the stroller, a whole bunch of ponytails, and we trudged on to school!

They were all such great sports, I actually dragged our walk out a little and took the long way there and back. It was WAY windier on the way back. Our street was the worst for it, easily. But the windier it got, the more they giggled. I thought the wind would be off-putting to them, because honestly, it is to me! It makes my ears hurt and my throat dry. I don’t think they loved the wind. They didn’t ask to stay out in it, specifically. But they didn’t complain even once!
I think I need to be more willing to go out in less than favourable weather with them.
Always learning.