It has been a wild weekend! And not in the fun rowdy “going out late and making questionable decisions” kind of way. Much more so in the “getting no sleep while managing a second foster baby with high needs while diving into a new therapy and finishing up a home renovation ” kind of way.
So ya. Its been a lot.
At least we were OFFICIALLY APPROVED as a higher level foster home as of just last weekend!! 🥳 That is something to celebrate, as we’ve been working at it for what feels like forever. We made it, guys. We are finally “qualified” to take care of the morsel we’ve had since June 😅 Aaaaanyway.
I realized very late in the game that the kids have tomorrow off of school! Go figure! It’s one that I apparently missed on all the kids’ schedules, therefore it didn’t make it onto my calendar. Ah well.
With tomorrow being a day off of school, there was some fancy footwork put in today to figure out how to make the day run smoothly. The girls are heading in one direction tomorrow morning. The boys are staying home with my mom, as is one baby, and I’m taking the other baby along with me to an appointment. After lunch, the boys are heading out, and the babes and I will have a meeting at the house.
Somewhere in there, Brady also has an appointment, but luckily its just a phone call.
After a VERY busy weekend, the week of appointments begins! Goodness. I don’t remember the last time we had this many appointments in just a weeks time! Ack! We’ll have to prioritize some downtime in the coming days. At least there were a few moments of rest today.

Maybe the babies will even *gasp* SLEEP sometime this week!!! 😱😅😩
Gonna be a gooder. I am just so sure of it 💜