Wicked Kids

Well. We tried to not buy Wicked, but it just didn’t take. So today, we purchased it and watched it with the kids. Which was very special circumstances. We often watch a movie on Friday nights now, but Wicked is new enough to still be in theatres, plus its super long. Its over 2.5 hours long. And thats all good, kids can have a later night as a treat, but even at a normal time of the evening, the babies make movie nights a big challenging. Mostly because 2/3 babies are really actually toddlers. So they don’t have an attention span worth anything, and they rarely last the whole movie without being really loud or disruptive. And we wanted the kids to be able to focus on Wicked after listening to the soundtrack for weeks and asking a million questions about it.

So. On a day where the babies were really overtired and loud, we opted for supper at the table rather than in front of a movie. The kids were quite disappointed, but they didn’t complain at all. I could just see it. And then I told them that we were going to put the babies down right at 7pm so we could all watch a movie. We made them guess for a while before I finally told them what we were watching, and they were absolutely thrilled.

It did not disappoint.




The kids were gripped and excited and singing along here and there through all two hours and forty minutes of it.

The “to be continued” at the end was definitely a gut punch for them 🤣 Laela exclaimed mournfully “Its not out yet?! Can we just go into the future???” It was pretty adorable.

Everyone is tucked in now. Each and every one of them is just beaming. Partly because the movie is amazing. Partly because we did something special that we’ve all anticipated. Partly because they’re now in an elite club of kids who have seen Wicked at school.

I am SO glad we got to do this together. Our kids have taken a handful of disappointing hits recently, and this felt like a really special morale boost 💜 Possibly a memory that could live on for some. I’m very grateful we had this chance. What a fun evening together 💜