The summer really needs to hurry up. The snow is causing people to get stuck on our street in full size trucks. I’m holed up at home and feel very idle. Nobody can go outside because of how much snow there is. Because of this my mom asked/told me to write her blog for today. This is Dekker, by the way. Here it is.

Outside is so cold. I went to get an electrical box from friends down the street and had to wear all my winter gear. Since it’s so cold it is we will have to stay indoors unless we really need something. My Mom is crocheting and Dad is building our pantry. There is nothing much to do. It feels like it will not end or even slow down. I may need to skip school. That would make for another boring day at home. Hurry up spring!!!
We are a summer family. We live at camp most of our summers. Summer has so many more things to do. We can’t have a campfire in our living room! It is so cold out there.
I like how warm it is in our house. Its all toasty and quiet in here but frigid out there. I can’t wait for warm weather. It makes life more enjoyable. There is so little to do.
We need the winter to go away. I am not enjoying the cold. Why all the snow now? Why snow in general? That is all my ranting I needed to get out