Last night turned out to be the worst for sleep since our new little lemon drop joined the crew. I slept a total of one hour in entirety. One. Singular. ‘Twas a rough one, hahaha!
And here I am, trying to put a blog together while half asleep, waiting for an important phone call to still come in, and both babies are still awake! Ack!! PLEASE Lord let tonight be smoother than the last one!
I will leave you two pictures of kitchen stuff that made me giggle. Because thats all I’ve got at the moment! 😅
First, I trapped Laela in the teeny tiny corner of the kitchen while she was doing dishes. She is just terribly cute 😍

Aaaaand today, the bell peppers expressed how I was feeling on the inside.

I think they are also tired. They could be yelling. Or they could be yawning. Both work. Equally.
Goodnight, folks. Ar least I HOPE its a good night…