I love how eveningish the photos look, and how happy the models look 😉 I was surprised at how little squinting I captured. What surprised me even more was this side by side.
Yes, I reused the original pictures from above. Bear with me.
These boys are SO HANDSOME!!! And while they’re in no way lookalikes, they have more similarities than I thought! I’m not sure I’ve ever made a comparison picture of these two. Rowan looks so much like my moms side of the family, and Solomon looks like baby Brady. But in this picture, those eyes are so similar! Not quite exact, but Rowan’s are also more open than Solly’s, and it makes me wonder what other little details I’m missing that are similar amongst my kids! Rowan and Solly’s eyes and brows are pretty much matching. Nose and mouth, not at all. Hairline, nope. Chin, definitely, but all of our kids have that bitty little pointy chin, and who knows what Solly’s jawline will turn into when he drops the end of his adorable little baby chub? I’m NOT counting down the days for that milestone!
Its been a full day, and there’s still more to go, so today’s post is short, but very cute, if I do say so myself!! Sleep well, friends!