*Consider that this entire blog is written in a very, very quiet room that must stay that way. Whisper!!
The kids were awake when I woke up, but not crazy awake at all. They were very quiet, but I could see them moving around. Dekker was rolling around in his bed, talking quietly, and Laela was actually sitting in her crib with her little legs hanging through the bars, so she could face her brother. They often play louder and louder, and I finally get them when they’re god and ready after lots of boisterous play. Today, they never really turned the volume up too loud, so I got them a bit earlier. Everyone was happy and content, and ready to be up. Just quiet.
We all had cereal at the table, and Dekker talked about how the tree continued to not be in our living room, and that Griffmas appeared to be over. Laela quietly ate her Cheerios and listened to our conversation. Once breakfast was over, the two littles immediately went downstairs together and I stayed up to do the dishes. It was really quick today, since the dishwasher had dirty stuff in it, and I only had to add in some dishes from our late night snacking, and now breakfast. Really not much, but at least it got cleaned. I went to join the kids shortly afterwards.
They were playing happily together, but both just wanted to come sit on my lap and be comfy for a bit. So we watched a little tv and sat together, again, quietly.
The afternoon was welcomed with lots of noise, and unfortunately, some anger. Yes, my anger was present, but I mean that Dekker is working pretty hard on his temper right now. I know, he’s three, and somehow thats supposed to excuse stuff, but it doesn’t. The kids went from quiet and content to Dekker being super mean to Laela. Over and over again. When it was approaching their regular nap time, I talked Dekker down once again and told him how important it is for him to be nice to Laela, and that if he was frustrated, he could always just walk away. I told him the next time he blew up at her, we would just got down for nap time then instead of waiting until the normal time. Within minutes, he got visibly angry at her again. Her crime? Kneeling next to a box of cars that he was not playing with. Yup. Reasonable, I know. So I sent him upstairs, screaming all the way, while I gathered Laela, and our lunch dishes, and shut off the lights.
When I got to the kids room, Dekker had taken his glasses off and was laying in bed already. I set Laela down and she rushed over to him immediately. She is sooo forgiving. He reached over and sort of put her in a headlock/hug, gave her a kiss, and said “I just love you.” I know he does. I snagged Laela and put her in bed, and they both looks nice and cozy when I left.
I didn’t go turn on the monitor right away. I went to the kitchen and washed a couple of my gnarliest makeup brushes first. But I forgot to wear my belt thing and it seems those few minutes killed me. So I grabbed a drink and went to put my feet up and turn the monitor on. Both children are cashed out. Less than fifteen minutes. Dekker hadn’t even ruffled his blanket. Its now been over an hour and they still haven’t flinched. I’m sooo thrilled that they both went down so well! Funny how it comes at a time when I was finally accepting that Dekker just wasn’t going to nap anymore. I was just hoping to force them on him over Christmas, and then expect them to be gone for the new year. But nope! Clearly, he really needed one today!
While I normally try to be relaxed about their day sleeps, and move around the house as much as I need to, today, I will not move until they are awake. I will remain in my room until they are up and around in theirs. They need their sleep, clearly, and I welcome the quiet time with open arms! So does my sore butt and legs.