This has been my recent hangout.

Yes, its as cozy as it looks, but its possibly less relaxed than it looks. I don’t want to say I’m overwhelmed with all I have left to do, but I can say I don’t have a lot of extra time or energy, so I’m having to be intentional with time spent and rest taken. Ask anyone around me. I don’t do much outside of the house at this point. Not a lot of recreational time spent.
I still have some organizing to do of details for the upcoming season. I have a few more gifts to buy which I hope to be organized enough to pick up all in one shop. I have some crocheting to finish up that is definitely doable, as long as I keep my head down and work diligently. I have delegated when I can and let a few things go 💜 Thats been hard. But its happened, and I’m grateful for it. I still need to get in touch with the people participating in the homemade gift exchange and make sure everything is getting where it needs to. I need to wash up a few things we’ve purchased second hand for the kids, and tie up some little loose ends here and there as needed.
It is all doable. We have two weeks.
So if you can’t find me, check my room first, or under any pile of yarn you can find.