Who would’ve EVER thought??
Last year at this time, we already had sunburns!

Brady had already cranked his head on a deck board while completing the first of many projects! First, we built the shed under the deck. Then the fence. Then some landscaping. Aaaaand then the camper, which was an unplanned but very well-loved project.
This year has looked pretty different so far, but its really just beginning, and its not a write off in any way, shape, or form. 💜 It might not be as busy with projects, but it also might be 🙂 We have time! Though maybe not energy.
I’m trying not to look too far ahead, or too far back, but I think its good to look back sometimes for perspective. We accomplished a lot last year, and we likely won’t accomplish as much this year. But rather than feeling unmotivated or gutless, we choose to be grateful that we could do so much last year! If we didn’t rebuild that camper last year, there would be no way we’d be doing it this year! Now, instead, we get to spend this summer at the lake, taking our time, breathing in fresh air, and moving at lake pace. If we hadn’t done the shed or fence, we’d either be waiting, ore hiring it out, and I can almost guarantee we wouldn’t be hiring it out. We still need to get some more topsoil brought in this season, as ours from last year has settled a good amount, but if we hadn’t done so much last year, it would be a way bigger bill, and we might not have justified it. All things considered, we are SO blessed to have had the opportunities last year that we did, and I feel settled and content about the season to come.
Its not lost on me that there are still things that need doing that we will have to seek help with. Though, as I’ve said before, I have to be careful what I say on here 😉 You generous people just show up with crazy offers and gifts for us! There is no possible way to thank everyone. How do you thank hundreds upon hundreds of people in the midst of a total crisis?? And how do you even ask for MORE help when you’ve received so much? How do you ask without feeling like a total douche?? Its hard to know, but I’m trusting our people to actually say NO when they can’t, or when they’re inconvenienced.
It takes a village, that goes without saying, and people continually remind me of this. Our village is SO willing! Our meal train was set up for less than two days and almost completely filled! Its been a crazy ride. I don’t know how we have all of you people in our corner, but I feel incredibly fortunate and truly touched that so many of you have invested in so many ways. We have the BEST people!! I say it all the time about our professional people, but goodness, our friends and support system is bar none the BEST!
Thank you, all, for your unwavering support. I’m almost embarrassed to say you surprise me, because I should know by now.