My. Goodness. Guys, I already have so many things to tell you and NO TIME to write it all out! It is clear that, ready or not, the season is upon us! We have been showered with gifts of all kinds already that I really want to talk about! We did a HUGE grocery shop today! I messed up a gift or two that I cannot fix 😔 Merp. That one sucks. We did an exciting upgrade! We’ve had unending company and have loved every minute of t! We have been SO busy!!!
Yet I still feel totally behind. I have food to make in advance. I have about half my gifts wrapped. Again with the gifts that are kind of messed up – not sure what to do about those yet. And the basement needs finishing touches! But seriously, with what minutes?!?!
I know I’m not the only one in the busy boat to Christmas! I just don’t remember it ever being this busy! But here me say, I wouldn’t change it! We’ve been out ALL day today. Its 5:45. We still have two sets of company coming today! We actually forced the kids to rest in bed when we got home from 4:30 until about 5:15. It was worth it though because I got a bath and Brady unloaded groceries. Guys, I will tell you ALL about it tomorrow but today, I’m beat. Lol! In the BEST way!
I will say, though, it was nice to be back out in the chaos all together again.

Its been a while ❤️