When You Winterize Your Camper…

…AAAAALLLLL that junk comes home 😅

All the sheets, pillow cases, towels, bed blankets, and outdoor blankets. And and all random leftover laundry.

All the kitchen stuff. All the food from the fridge, freezer, cabinets, and tucked in all the little places people leave snacks. All the meds. All the products.

And all the other stuff! All the baggage. All the stuff we use more at the lake but can’t risk leaving there for the next eight months.

This all, of course, was only some of it.

I spent the bulk of my morning moseying through the house with a cup of coffee, moving things from point A to point B. I got laundry rolling, and got the majority of the kitchen stuff put away. I got some things that are kid-specific moved into their rooms, but I left some for them to do on their own.

I then took a break and caught up with a friend of mine from the church we used to attend. It is not a secret that we switched churches a while back, being that there are only two churches here in town. I’m sure you can imagine there has been some awkwardness. But there are a small handful of people who have made their love for our family known, regardless of our change of venue. Spending time with one of them today just felt so much like home 💜 I was very grateful for todays visit.

Speaking of visits, after school, I hauled all the kids into the city for a visit for one of our babies! Once aforementioned baby was delivered, we ran over to Walmart, as we so often do, and stocked up on some pantry items, as well as some pants for the girls, shoes for Solly, mitts for babies, and a whole schwack of other things. We met up with Brady about halfway through the shop, and then all of us went to McDs for supper, and went to pick up the once again mentioned baby.

It was a loaded day, but I’m actually really happy with how it played out. Once in a blue moon, I feel like I strike that lovely balance between working hard and being at rest, and today, I hit it. I got lots done in the house, but it didn’t feel chaotic, and I even got to visit with a friend. Then I went out in the evening, and it was productive and the kids were happy and helpful. Baby was happy when dropped off, and picked up.

It was a nice day. I anticipate many more to come. Days of work and of rest. At least rest-ish. I’m not picky 😅

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