When We Don’t Go to Camp

We WORK! 💪

Ok but not actually so severely, hahaha! We decided to stay home this weekend and get some projects done around here that have been sitting over summer, or are just hard to get to. If there were to be a weekend of camp that we’d miss, this was the right one. So we stayed home!

Brady and I had Cher over for coffee before the kids got up, and ate the end of the rhubarb crisp. Then we went our separate ways for the remainder of the morning and we all got into our own things!

Priority ONE today was getting a door on the pantry!! Not because its so so important to keep our food closed, but because the babies get in there and they refuse to stop sucking on my bottles of vanilla extract!!! 🤣 I’m over it! It’s time to stop already! We had been blocking the entry with a chair but now they’ve found their way past it. Time for a real solution. And now we have one!!

Brady also hooked up the wifi on our laundry machines and got the apps for our phones. I know thats not everyones cup of tea, but in a time when my life is so unbelievably busy and noisy, it is very helpful to have a notification on my phone to tell me when laundry needs switching. As I sit in the living room, I can tell you there are 47 minutes left on my current wash cycle 😎

My chores aren’t as lofty or impressive, but I ordered some patches off of Amazon for Rowan, and I got our September calendar put together. I really really wish I could post our calendar on here because its just NUTS how busy it is! 😅 But I don’t need the internet to know ALL of my comings and goings, lol! So you’ll just have to take my word for it.

Brady is currently attempting to babyproof a kitchen made up of cabinets that refuse to be babyproofed, and I’m realizing we forgot to eat lunch…

Never enough minutes, but the ones we have, we aim to use wisely!

Happy Workyday!