It’s so strange to have the kids home for one day in the middle of the week. Seriously. I understand its a teacher’s prep day, which I have nothing but respect for, but I think most of us home with our kids think its super funny timing, haha!
Brady is still working today, because normal people have jobs, so its me and the kids at home today! And the lucky punks that they are, I’m making them work! Ha! Ok, but not actually that much, because I, too, don’t want to work. Dekker and Laela sorted laundry and started it going, and Rowan did breakfast dishes. But thats it! In fact as I write this, Wavy is dancing very sweetly in circles around the island to the Frozen soundtrack that we have pumping. Rowan and Solly have lego going. Laela is doing Sudoku beside Dekker while he is planning out a wheelchair accessible home for Minecraft. So. Its busy, and really, it’s the best.

As for myself, so far today, I’ve helped Laela with some prep for her *gasp* audition tomorrow! She’s trying out for the school play, which is a first in our home 🙂 So we did some reading, and some singing, and we’ll do more later. But we probably put about a cool 45 into that. I also put a good chunk of time into writing out our February calendar. I’m not very good at that, even though I vastly prefer paper to phone calendars. However, Brady prefers phone calendars, so its simpler to do most of it on the phone. But these days, there are things that are specifically the kids things, and putting them on the calendar, whether I’m artistic or its super crudely done in a messy, half dead sharpie, means they can keep track of some of those things themselves. Things like school spirit days. Skating and curling days. Show and tell. So. Hopefully the colourful sharpies and stickers really pays off this month, hahaha! I need some bonus sanity in the coming weeks!
I hope today, we can get through the bulk of the laundry, so some more audition prep, and I’d really like to declutter a few small areas of the house. Conveniently, the decluttering has no deadline on it, so if I decide not to, I will just leave it, hahaha! That is something I can most definitely do here and there while the kids are at school, too 🙂 Maybe today I leave decluttering and replace it with crocheting and enjoy all my singing kids!
Hey, check me out! Just sent an important email before even finishing this post! Another thing done!