Solly slept in nicely this morning, and my mom came to help this morning while I dropped Dekker off, and then while I got Laela to preschool. It is SO handy to have help on preschool days, specifically the mornings. That weird half hour between dropping Dekker and Laela off can feel like years depending on the day. Its especially bad on the days where I have to wake kids to get them in the van, and they’re crying for breakfast or whatever else the entire time. Its totally doable, and it’ll likely all be a bit easier when the weather is nicer and the kids wake up a bit earlier with the sun, but for now, they’re pretty droopy in the mornings still. So this morning was SO nice to have the help during drop off!
My mom had a busy day scheduled herself, so she left fairly quickly after I returned, and I had a nice sit down morning with the little boys. Rowan built ramps and raced cars while Solly plunked himself down on a couch and played dolls. No joke, he LOVES Laela’s stuffed Elsa and Anna right now. It wasn’t too long before I bundled them up and drove over to preschool to pick Laela up.
We were the last to leave there today, and I was SO grateful to have a chat with Laela’s preschool teacher! We just talked parenting and the challenges that come along with it. I haven’t had many chances to really take time and talk with her, but it was SO refreshing!! We feel very similarly about a lot of important things, and I found that so encouraging! I love knowing the people who are in authority positions around my children have similar values to me and are encouraging them in the same ways I would. I really really appreciate her.
I brought the littles home and got them lunch right away, as we had plans that afternoon. Nothing too big, but I had a doctors appointment at 1:15 to get to. As it tends to happen, it was of course the lunch where everyone was 500 times hungrier than usual, so it took a while to get everyone topped up, but eventually everyone was fed and dressed, and hauled back into the van.
We made it to my appointment on time, where Brady met us. He took the kids to go fill up the van, and beyond that, just freed them from their car seats so they could run around in there and entertain themselves while I was in my appointment.
My time with Dr. Guselle was awesome. You guys know how much I love her. She answered all my questions, discussed some future stuff, and printed off my ultrasound report for me. I love information, especially about my baby, and she knows that. I told her I was a bit nervous for my appointments to start dropping off a little bit soon, since we’ll go to the regular monthly appointments once I can feel the baby move and have some reassurance that way. She was clear with me that, until I was comfortable, we’d be seeing each other. She gets me. We listened for the baby, who was nice and easy to find, and she checked my ears to follow up with the crazy plugged-ness that I’ve been struggling with. She covered all the bases, and we confirmed that I’d be meeting the resident who would be following me for the rest of my pregnancy at my next appointment. She actually thanked me more than once for being willing to “participate” in their teaching program, because the resident I’ll have is male, and apparently they get far less practice in obstetrics than women, so they are very happy to have the experience. I’m happy to provide it 🙂
The kids were very patient, and didn’t put up a fight to get back into their car seats when I came back to the van. Brady and I quickly hit the Tims drive-thru and got coffee before he headed back to work and I took the kids home.
I realized as we were almost home that it was only about a half hour before Dekker would get out of school. On one hand, to haul everyone out of the van, out of their coats and boots, and let them break into the toys only to haul them back out fifteen minutes later seemed crazy. Yet, they had been in the van for two hours at that point. I couldn’t imagine making them wait. So I drove home and parked in the garage. Solly was asleep and the other two were pretty droopy. So I asked them their opinion, and Laela and Rowan agreed that it would be silly to go in for such a short time. I promised them some tv time when we got home after getting Dekker, and they were totally satisfied!! So, we got the mail, and waited out the rest of the time.
No. One. Fussed.
Not. Even. Once.
I was AMAZED at how patient and reasonable they all were, and then how happy and thankful they were to come home and have a tv show on in the background as they played and got their energy out finally. Amaaazing!!! I give a little bit of credit to great music, but mostly to just my kids as people, because they are exceptional! I may be biased, but I don’t care. I don’t think that makes it less true.
5/6 of us are happily home now, and Brady is on his way! It’s always fabulous to be together at the end of the day. For some reason, I’m just feeling emotional this afternoon <3 Husband come home!