When the Dekker is Away…

… the rest of the kiiiiiids PLAY!

… or do they???

Hahahaha! I miss our biggest boy πŸ’œ He is such a funny guy, with just the right mix of silly and crusty to fill the group dynamic perfectly.

But! This week he is busy at camp, nerding it up, which we say with TOTAL love and respect! He truly thinks being called a nerd is a term of endearment, so I assure you we are not hurting his feelings willy nilly. He is really excited for camp this week, but he was very huggy and squishy with me before I checked him in πŸ’œ

Of course, once he was in the cabin, he was very cool 😎 and hugged me from up on his bunk, reaching down to me. Little punk πŸ˜† Its ok, I can take it. He was SO handsome up there, getting himself settled, already surrounded by kids he knew from last year.

Goodness I am SO proud of this kid πŸ’œ I LOVE you, Dekker! And I MISS you!! Ack!!

I can’t believe he is almost a teenager 😳