Monday monday monday monday monday…
So, real talk here. Yesterday was a bit of a disaster. I don’t care to relive it on the blog, but I’ll tell you that just about every aspect of the day was a challenge. Even down to the fact that I kept biting the inside of my lip and finally, a hunk of my flesh actually came out. It was just a DAY.
It is not often that Monday is a better day than the weekend, but today was significantly nicer than yesterday! Everyone woke up in WAY better shape than they had on Sunday. The three kids were all super gung ho to get to school, and left on time, happily, together.
Brady and I had Wavy and Solly home today. If you remember, I mentioned the other day that we’re getting our basement ceiling done, and it started today. If you’ve been here, you know that downstairs is where aaaaall the toys live. But it worked out, because Brady is loving starting some woodworking projects in the garage, and Solly and Wavy love to go out there with him, drive the wiggle cars around in circles, and generally just hang out together. They are an adorable pair, and are getting to be really great friends.

Brady happily took them out with him, and I went upstairs to get my crochet on. I had a GIGANTIC crochet disaster the other day that I am not ready to talk about yet, but thanks to that, I’m feeling a bit more push to get things moving over here. ** To be clear, I’m not even being dramatic. It was that huge of a loss. Trust me. ** So I crocheted up a storm and Brady worked on a project, and Waverly and Solomon played, and we all had a really nice morning!
When Murray from Kruger Construction showed up, he was in good spirits! You’d have to have seen it, but Wavy shies away from everyone she hasn’t seen for a while. Or really anyone she feels like she doesn’t want to talk to in that moment. She fakes shy a lot. And she had NO holdbacks from Murray! Straight eye contact with a big smile on her face. I loved that. There is something about kids being at ease around people, you know? Ya, you know.
Murray and his helper worked a really good stretch and got almost all of the bracing up. It’ll be finished tomorrow. I was going to show you progress pictures but I’ll save them for tomorrow when its completely done. I’m so excited to get it all wrapped up and be officially DONE our house.
I’ll also show you some pictures of what Brady is building. He’s already put the progress up on his socials.
And I’ll show you crocheting progress soon, too. Once I get over myself and have a new plan to replace my old, broken plan.
There certainly is a lot on the move over here. I’m not mad at it, though!
Except the crocheting. I’m mad at that.