Brady got a call yesterday for some work for him today and tomorrow, so I was spontaneously left without morning help. Now, I’ll preface this post by saying I’m more than fine in the mornings. I can handle my kids, and they’re familiar with the routine. But in the recent past, Brady is often home in the mornings, and when he’s not, my mom sometimes comes for a bit. It has made it possible for me to leave the three at home when I take Dekker, and then often to leave the little boys at home when I take Laela to preschool on her days. I am SO thankful for the help I’ve received. I know that many aren’t as fortunate as we are in that way. I’m definitely not complaining!
This morning was the VERY FIRST MORNING where I had to take everyone along to both elementary school and preschool. I was expecting a pretty difficult time, but it actually worked out surprisingly smoothly!
Getting everyone dressed and out the door always takes longer than I expect, so we were all in the van on our way out probably about ten minutes later than usual. Dekker is a kid who likes to be at school nice and early so he can play outside with his friends, and we couldn’t swing that today, unfortunately, but he wasn’t put off at all. He’s such a good kid. We got to school and as usual, I asked him if he wanted to just run from the van or if he wanted me to go with him. He asked if I would go with him. He always does. And I always do. I know that if I told him he needed to go on his own, he’d be more than fine, and wouldn’t even be super sad about it, but I know he won’t always want to walk to school with me, holding hands, so I take him up on it! We walked to the boot room and had a big hug and kiss before he bolted off to play.
I got back to the van and checked the time. We had about a half hour until preschool started. Its such a strange time frame, because if I went home and unloaded everyone, took of their jackets and shoes, and let them play, they’d play for maaaybe ten minutes before I’d have to get them all dressed and ready again. Not worth it. There’s not enough time to drive to a neighbouring town for Tims. Its WAY too early to drop Laela off, so that’s not an option. And we don’t have a dvd player in our van, so watching a show is out of the question. Honestly, this morning was the first time I really wanted one of those systems!
We drove to get the mail, but that killed all of two minutes, and we drove home. Twenty five minutes left. We sat, idling in the driveway, and I decided to put on songs that the kids like. Well that really helped, and we had fun with that. All three kids were pretty content, which was awesome. I realized after just a few minutes that it was Laela’s day for show and tell at preschool, and I had forgotten! I told her right away and she knew immediately what she wanted to bring, so I ran inside to get it. If not for that time of waiting, I’d have forgotten completely! Win! Sort of, haha 🙂
After about fifteen minutes (five songs) we drove to pick up another little girl, and we drove to preschool. I always allot five minutes for picking her up and we arrive roughly five minutes early. And it turned out! I got everyone inside, out of jackets, into shoes, and that was it! I drove the little boys home and we spent the next couple of hours just the three of us!! I think they play the nicest together when its just the two of them, rather than when all four kids are around. Just a different vibe. Its nice.
So what I expected to be a pretty hands on morning was surprisingly smooth! Its far from a perfect system, and I truly don’t know how people coordinate that strange 45 minute interim. Scheduling is hard! Eventually, I think it’ll be easier next year, when Dekker is in full time and Laela is in kindergarten. They’ll be able to walk together at least some of the time, and I won’t always be driving to school in the morning. I’m just not sure at what age its good to let Dekker walk on his own, or how that all works, so for now, I juggle and whine once in a while about it 😉 But for the most part, I just put on my big girl panties, or pull on my sexy big girl thigh boots (because, fall) and drive the whole clan. I’m so fortunate such a relaxed, accepting group. They make it easy to have four kids.