I think we could all use a good laugh these days. I’ve been saving jokes, pictures, and funny articles here and there, and I figured it would be worth something to lump them all together into one post. If your sense of humour is different than mine, you may not appreciate this post to its full capacity 😉 But IIIIIII think they’re funny!
This is a text convo from Brady the ONE time he went for groceries before everything shut down, the Monday school got cancelled.

This is pretty bang on 😆

Brady’s sweat pants wore out, and I see a super happy face on his knee! Anyone else? 😀

THIS!!!!! 🙌 I DIE!!! Don’t pretend you don’t get it. I know you do. 🚁

Sing along! 🎶

This little pair of butt cheeks loves a good fort, but she settles for lame forts sometimes, too. ⛺️

Maybe you saw this one already. But its true 🤷♀️

This, also, is true.

Ok so wait. Haven’t chicken-catching women always been attractive?? 🤔 🐓

Aaaaand possibly my favorite one 🙌

Hopefully this doesn’t shine me in too weird of a light, but we could all use some good light ☀️ these days! There are SO MANY funny things out there, but you have to dig through a lot of crap to find them. Feel free to add something you think is super funny in the comments! Let’s laugh together! From afar. Like at least two metres. Because, social distancing…
That last one made me throw my head back and laugh.
There’s a whole gallery of them 😆 but that was easily the best one!