Brady has been working 12 hour days the last two days. It’ll be a shorter work day today, but he has physio after work, so he’ll get home around the same time anyway. I don’t love these super long days, and I know I’ve been spoiled by Brady having a flexible schedule, making it easier for him to be home earlier than the average working person. Still, we miss him around here. But physio cannot be missed if its at all possible. He won’t be able to go in for it while we’re gone at the lake, obviously, but they’re actually making progress on his injury and we aren’t going to stop! I’m feeling hopeful, and I think he is too.
Solly has been teething SO HARD these days, and is SO busy with that, haha! It means his mood can go a number of different ways. Sometimes he’s just plain sad and overtired, crying and crying and crying. Sometimes he is only happy if he’s eating, like yesterday, when he’d wake up from night or nap and want food instantly. And I do mean instantly. Check out his blanket lines! He had JUST woken up.
The other kids have been beautifully busy with being in baby mode!! The prime toys right now are two little dollies that Laela has, plus two little bottles I’ve received in the mail as samples over the last while. They are fully preparing to help with their new sibling, and its really a sweet thing to witness. While they fight over the dolls constantly, I love seeing them take their dolly off to wherever, and hold it properly (sometimes), and feed it, burp it, and then “put it to bed.” Its wonderful.
I’ve been busy with getting ready for the lake! I’ve been making lists, trying to complete jobs around the house, organize a handful of things including a bunch of things that will be going on in our house while we’re away. Yikes, there is just SO much swirling around in my head!! Yesterday and today, I raided the kids closets and grabbed every piece of clothing that we’ll need to bring for the lake, and its all up in my closet, waiting to be packed. If I thought my closet was full before, I had no idea what was to come! Haha! Kids need SO MANY CLOTHES for a lake trip, our closet is just bursting! Its great, though. I feel at least somewhat prepared.
Tonight I’ll duck out for a second attempt to get my legs waxed, and any last minute shopping I need to do, though I’m not sure there will even be any! Maybe just a quick in and out trip, but at least my legs will be ready for the lake. And my arms. And my eyebrows. Haha!
So this week has felt really busy, but I think it will all pay off in the end, and we will be as prepared for the lake as anyone really could be. I’m so so looking forward to our time away, to breathe in the fresh air, splash around in the water, blow bubbles, and eat ice cream every day. Being at the lake isn’t just about the actual lake 😉 Lake life, baby!! Two more days!
(As an aside, if you wander past our house and see people in it, they’re probably supposed to be there. Lol!)