What We’ll Now NEED to Buy For the New Baby

I’ve mentioned once or twice that we really don’t have a long list of things to buy for the next baby. We’ve had a good handful of kids already, so we have the bulk of what we need. However, yesterday, Rowan BROKE his crib.

To be fair, both of our cribs we bought second hand. The one Rowan is in went through three kids before we got it, and then Dekker was in it for a pretty decent stretch of time. I don’t even remember how long. Maybe he was 2.5 ish when we turned it into a day bed? I’m iffy on dates. But he was still using it when Laela came along. They were both in cribs/daybeds when we got pregnant with Rowan, and changed things up with Dekker so Rowan would eventually have a crib. So Laela never used that crib. Long explanation long (haha) Rowan is the fifth kid to actively use this crib.

Yesterday, when I went to get the kids up in the morning, Dekker and Laela told me right away that Rowan mattress was “sticking out” on one side. Sure enough, one corner was drooped down to the floor. I figured the screw had wiggled loose or maybe even broken off, and said that I’d get Brady to fix it once he was home in the afternoon. No big loss.

However, when he did come home and lift the mattress out, the steel bracket holding the board in was broken clean in half. There was no easy repair, beyond contacting the company and seeing if they could offer us a replacement part. For the time being, however, it works to just remove the support board entirely, and Rowan is basically sleeping on a mattress on the floor, but with the crib walls around him, haha! Its a tad cage-ish, but thats not that different than a normal crib 😉 So we’ll keep it this way as long as we need, and when the time comes for Rowan to upgrade his way out of a crib, we’ll likely junk whats left of it and buy a new crib for little papoose!!! We’re in no real rush, because let’s be real. Baby will live in a playpen in our room for quite some time first. Still, though, its in the future.

I’m SO excited to buy a new crib!! New or new-to-us doesn’t matter, but I’m excited to find another one and add to it our furniture 🙂 To get to choose a style or find a deal or whatever other details play into it at the time. I just feel like I haven’t gotten to even consider purchasing much more than baby clothes for a good few years, since we have all of the bigger things we need for a new little one. But this will be SO fun!!

I have a pretty long time to wait and search, but its something fun to look forward to 🙂 Along will all the other AMAZING things I’m looking forward to!

Thanks for breaking your crib, Ro. Seriously. I appreciate it.