We were so grateful to have my parents be willing participants as well, by caring for our kids during our sound check and practice, and bringing them to the event in our bus. Jerilee even came, and hung out with them, took pictures and videos, and supported and loved on everyone. We have SUCH amazing people in our corner.
Our town has been celebrating its centennial this weekend, which makes me feel quite emotional, if I’m being honest. I’ve not been feeling well at all this weekend, so I’m sad to say we’ve missed most of the events and goings on, but while this is a very important weekend for my town, its also a VERY memorable weekend for us. While our hometown celebrates its 100th year here, we celebrate our FIRST year here. We have officially been residents for ONE YEAR TODAY! I am SO honoured to be a part of this beautiful town. It has always been my home, but I’m confident that I can speak for the rest of my family when I say it felt like home to everyone the moment we set foot into our new house.
One year ago, so many people stepped up and helped us not only move stuff to our house, but arrange our things so they were usable and liveable. My closet was organized. My kitchen was set up according to my awkwardly specific map. Furniture was placed where I asked, and cribs were set up in the right places. I sat, and held my baby, and did very little to help, and it was AMAZING.
We have had such an immense year, loaded with SO much good and a pretty decent amount of hardship, if we’re being straight up. And I know we can’t always have the best thing, or the easiest thing, but I am so grateful that we’ve been able to live in this beautiful place during this time of life rather than so far away. What if Dekker had to start school out in Radisson, where I wasn’t happy with the system? What if we had the same problems from our rentals in our home, and couldn’t leave? What if, heaven forbid, we miscarried while in Radisson?? God would’ve seen us through, but it would’ve been so so much harder. Here, we’ve made closer friendships. We’ve become involved in the school and the town and in the church again, finally! We are part of a community that loves us and that we can shower love on too.
Today just really brought to light how far we’ve come. I’m so glad t it was finally our turn for this dream to come true.
I am SO proud to live where I live.