About two hours later, Solly started screaming. Like screeeaming. We went to him right away and he was covered in vomit. As in soaked from head to toe. I could’ve wrung his sleeper out. His hair was all soaking wet, except the back of his head, which was crusty, so I assume he barfed right when we put him to bed but didn’t let us know.
Brady was getting Solly out of his bed, and the poor baby just kept retching and retching. He would burp and gurgle and stick his tongue out and sputter. Then he would go rock hard, arch his back shake his limbs, and just scream. It was awful. I took Solly into our bathroom and sat on the floor, so at least he’d vomit on tile rather than carpet, and we waited. Solly was so bushed, he would doze for a couple of minutes, and then go again with the retching and arching and screaming. He was definitely in pain. In between bouts of this, he would sleep while his tummy angrily gurgled away. He wouldn’t doze for long, though. He just wanted to lay back. He was so so tired, and just wanted to go to bed. But when we’d lay him down, even in our arms, he’s start gagging and choking and retching. Once all of his vomit was out, he just barfed up foam.
So I got in touch with a nurse friend, as well as called the health line. What it boiled down to was that he was probably going to be fine, and likely just had a nasty flu, but I decided we needed to take him in. I felt like we needed to get this business sorted out before I’d be able to sleep. The constant gagging and choking when he’d lay down was incredibly nerve wracking, and I knew I would stay awake all night out of anxiety. While it was likely not entirely necessary, my nerves told me to go in.
So we did. My parents came over to sit in the house while the other three kids slept, and we headed in. As soon as we started driving, Solly had another spell of screaming and getting all tense and hard. We pulled over right away, and I climbed into the backseat with him. He recovered as we drove, and maybe 20 minutes later had another bout of it. He’d do his scary, pain cry, and then sleep for a minute, and then wake up chipper. It was so strange.
Miraculously, the ER wasn’t backed up at all when we arrived, so the turnover was nice and quick. While we waited to see a doctor, Solly decided to do the thing that happens SO often, and he made us look like idiots. He perked right up, was nothing but smiles when anyone would walk by, and was clearly no longer in any pain. Schmuck.
I swear, this kid just milked his sickness in order to get an evening out with his parents. Smart boy.
When we did get to see a doctor, it moved pretty quickly. I didn’t love his demeanour, and he made us feel pretty dumb, but he also wasn’t around for the super pain cry, so I get it. Sort of. He did see our side of things though, and he gave us some medication that was supposed to curb his nausea quickly. He gave us a bit of information and told us what to expect and when/if we should give him a second or third dose. He said not to worry if he had another big puke spell. It could be this way for 24 hours ish. Besides feeling a bit silly, though, the medication did work very quickly. He hasn’t gagged or retched since then, and he slept pretty well. We couldn’t have bought this medication over the counter at a grocery store, so for that, I’m still really happy that we went. Also, he checked his tummy really well, and really deep. He squeezed it so deeply, I was expecting Solly to cry, but he didn’t. But with that check, he was able to tell us that it doesn’t feel like Solly has any kind of obstruction whatsoever, which is great! I’d been suspicious of one a while back, and its nice to know that its all passed, and nothing is gathering in there, stretching his bowel without my knowledge. So for that reason also, I’m very happy we went in and got that cleared up.
We were back home much faster than we expected to be. Solly was fast asleep and transferred to bed no problem. The three kids hasn’t made a peep and my parents were cozied into our living room, watching Netflix. It all felt fine, and normal.
Solly got up once in a night to drink, and kept it all down easily. Sooooo I guess crisis averted??
So good to hear all is well! Hopefully he sleeps lots to get over it completely! Always good to take them in even when the doctors think it’s nothing and So good to know for sure!!
It was very reassuring, for sure. And it was good to get him to stop retching and heaving so we knew he could safely sleep. I’m glad we went in 🙂