I’m a tad bummed that Brady is already back to work today, but I’m very grateful he has work. I wish we could’ve had one wind down day together before he went back, but there was just no way. He’s even working this coming Saturday :/ I say again, I’m happy he has work. And hey, being back to a routine is always good, so we’re just doing that today.
Thanks to our lovely friend, Cher, who hung at our house while we were away, the place was in far better shape than how we left it. I’m so relieved not to have to clean up a mess before the mess of unpacking! However, we do still have the unpacking mess to deal with. Brady tackled a ton of it yesterday, and everything we need for daily life is organized and where it belongs. Cher did our dishes and tidied and wiped down seemingly the entire house (woot!) so all thats really left on me is figuring out fridges and what fresh groceries we need to catch up on, and laundry. LAUNDRY!
You may have seen on Facebook or Instagram that Waverly wasn’t having it this morning. She is not a big crier at all, so when she does cry, I listen. And this morning, all she wanted was to be held, whether she was awake or asleep. So I held her. At one point, I admit, I put her down and ran downstairs to sort through the mountain of laundry and get it at least started. This is what I faced for loads of laundry.
- Dekker & Rowan’s clothes
- Laela, Solly, and Wavy’s clothes
- Solly & Wavy’s receiving/snuggle blankets (used more than average of those at the lake)
- Brady’s work clothes & our jeans
- Brady’s & my other clothes
- Swimwear & my menstrual underwear
- Towels
- More towels (Read: beach, bath, dish, other)
- Bedding
I think thats it…
So you see why I couldn’t just leave this all completely for another day. Its a LOT. Even if I started first thing this morning, I couldn’t actually finish in one day. So I sorted as fast as I could, and it seemed to go pretty quickly, which is almost never the case. I was feeling good about myself until I realized I missed an entire garbage bag of laundry from our trip. Whoops. So I got back to it, sorted some more, and then I threw in the first load.
I got back upstairs, and of course, Wavy was crying. She settled the moment I picked her up. Actually, really, the moment I put my hands on her. Very much like a “There you are! I’ve been wondering…” type of recovery. Almost nonchalant. Little princess.
She’s so great.
Now that lunch is done, nappers are napping, and Dekker is legoing, Wavy drank some good milk and is now sleeping in her rocker. Not sure how long that will last, but I did get a second load of laundry in! Two down, only seven left to go!! Wish me luck!!