I really like to be organized, and I hate letting people down. I feel like one of the biggest sacrifices I’ve made by having kids is my inability to drop everything and run to help a friend. I CAN still do that, but I bring a group with me, and I am often less effective. I really really struggle to keep everything straight, but I’m learning more and more about choosing my family first. They are priority one.
The last few days, I’ve been feeling a tad overloaded looking forward into September. Yes, Dekker starts school next week, which is a whole separate topic that I’ll try to remember to get into soon. (writing it down…..) but there are just SO MANY THINGS to remember! The month is filling up, with lots of very positive things! I’m certainly not complaining about what we have scheduled 🙂 Its going to be a great month! But in amongst everything, we have appointments, jobs to do around here, and goals to meet. Its so hard to pick and choose what needs to get done.
For instance, we have this blog overhaul that I’m wanting. I’m finally learning and finding my way around in the array of blog themes available to me, but I have yet to find what I want. So the search continues.
I also really really want to send thank you cards to the hoards and hoards of people who backed us up these last few months, with Solly being born, our move, the three previous moves, and the many appointments/meetings we had to get to so close together. We could not have survived without everyone, and I want to send thanks! But that is a LOT of cards to write.
Meal planning is something I was hoping to get into gear with in September, but I’m thinking this one will get bumped until at least October. And thats ok.
Should I throw Laela a birthday party? We celebrated when my siblings were all out visiting, but we never had a chance to throw one with his friends. It might be night to plan a little party for Dekker and Laela together, since her birthday is at the end of the month. But time is definitely slipping away a bit too fast.
I had so hoped to purge the garage of as much as possible, in hopes that we could park both vehicles in the garage when the weather turned cool. We still have time, but not too much. And its hard to think about storing things when we have no shed or outdoor enclosure. We can only chuck so much.
I’ll stop listing at you guys, as I feel like I’ve gotten into a bad groove of ranting about unimportant things. These are things that are important.
BAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Remember that adorable picture I got of the kids laying on the floor a while back? I tried to relive it and it was hilarious!!!! This was the best one I got, too 😀 But seriously, my family sits at the top of the list, always. These other jobs can wait, or they can get left, and thats ok too. Because I would rather sit and hold them and waste the days than work on tasks and miss the moments.
Those make up for his fearful face in the first picture, right? I’m so glad Dekker called me over from doing dishes to see his game! And clearly Solly enjoyed it, too. Yikes!, how I love them!!!
I encourage you all to take a day, or an hour, whatever time you can, and just be with your family, whether it be your parents, your spouse, your kids, or your best friend. Soak up some time that isn’t based around getting stuff done. Its good for the soul.