What Got Done

Yesterday, I threw a whole big list at you guys of what needs to happen over here in three short days. Here I am with updates regarding what I listed off.

No medical appointments! This is still true, though I need to book a couple for next week, and I should do that today.

Big messes accumulating that need to be tidied. Did NOT get done. Not even a little bit.

Evening meeting was done and done. No follow up there.

Finishing school supplies. I actually got really close to this! All thats really left is gym clothes, which I’m waiting until the end of summer to stuff in their backpacks. The ONLY actual supply items I need are three bloody duotangs. A red one, and two white ones. I can’t justify a trip in JUST for three duotangs, so I’ll hold off until the next time I’m in Saskatoon, which will be early next week. I’ll do that then 🙂

Training. Have not started that yet.

All the kids bathed. Done and done! Last got cleaned this morning!

Laundry = done!

Berry bushes got picked clean!

Meal planning for camp is done-ish. Mostly done. Not 100% done but close. Just have to decide one more meal in there and we’re set!

So far today, the kids who can pack for themselves have packed for camp. I have started to put together a few things to pack as well. Now that my napper is napping, I will try to accomplish a few more things. But kids have to lunch first.

There is simply (wait for it) never a shortage of things to do!