What Church do you Go to?

Brady and I haven’t been to our chiropractor in years. Literal years. Not since before Brady first surgery left him in a wheelchair. We ran into him once out at Brainsport, buying shoes, and he was very shocked to see Brady the way he was. It felt nostalgic to be back in the office, waiting to see him.

He lit up big time upon entering our room, and we chatted before we even got into the appointment. As you can imagine, there was a LOT to catch up on. But, we did. We talked about Bradys first surgery, and now the second one. His height of injury, and level of mobility. Where he works. Cancer treatments. Brady has a long list, as you know. We talked about the kids and what they’re all into, and then fostering and what goes into that and how many people burn out doing it 😅 All true, haha!

And then he responded to all of these things in a really cool way.

First and foremost, he asked out of the blue what church we attend. We responded, and he said we HAD to, because people couldn’t manage all we manage without strong faith. I thought that was incredibly loving and humbling, and also AMAZING that he gave the glory to God! I don’t know if he knows God or follows Him, but it was pretty cool that he recognized it in us.

After that, he complimented our children, and said they must be an amazing group of people. We readily agreed, and told him all they have been able to learn through Brady’s paraplegia, as well as fostering. He said they are being set up to have special purpose in the world. Missions. Doctors without Borders. Serving people. It was a very honouring perspective he offered of our family.

So we said our goodbyes, and we hope to get back to see him soon. We’ve all aged. He’s quieter than he used to be. But he’s soft and warm and as always, very good at his job. But it felt a little like going back home, as corny as it sounds. I love it there.

Today was large. Tomorrow is larger. We have SO many appointments this week its crazy. But this was not one to miss 💜 I’m grateful. For my chiropractor, and my family.