And they arrived today!!!!
Isn’t that exciting?? I’m SO happy to have them all on hand!! I was hoping to take a nice picture of them where they’ll live, up in my room, on top of my dresser, tucked between a purple lantern Dekker “bought” for me at Ikea, and a stuffed animal that was gifted to baby Theo at Christmas before we knew he was gone. Its going to be a pretty lovely set up when it comes together, but for the moment, our room is being used to store some things that can’t live in the basement or the garage :/ Yay for tubs taking up 50% of our space. BUT! I’m so so happy the rest of my blog books have arrived! It feels like a goal has been met, or accomplished, or whatever you want to say. It feels GOOD. That’s 4.5 years of our lives all recorded and waiting for someone to maybe pick them up one day, just to see how time was spent. It was spent rich in love, I can tell you that. ‘Tis a good day.
On an unrelated note, I received a couple of really sweet messages yesterday, congratulating Laela on her wicked potty training skills. I passed them all on to her, I promise you that, and she was SO thrilled! Just beamed with pride. I even snuck into her room after bedtime to tell her some of them 😉 It was a huge encouragement to her, so thank you for caring enough to actually send a message or leave a comment. As for today, it started strong here at home. She had used her nighttime pull-up pretty well, lol, but it wasn’t as full as yesterdays, so I’ll take it! During our successful morning, we were spontaneously invited out to a friends house for a cozy pj play date, which we jumped at. We were out from mid morning until around 4:00-ish, and Laela didn’t have a single accident!!! She actually used the toilet tons while we were there, and was showered with so many potty treats! I was thoroughly amazed, honestly. I packed her a few pull up sin the diaper bag, as well as a couple extra pairs of panties, none of which we touched, because she just killed it!!! I’m SO impressed. Like blown away. She even pooped there! Multiple times! Without too much “potty talk,” I figured she’d save them up and either go a bit crazy when she got home, or wait until she was in a pull up for bedtime, but she didn’t hold back for a second, and was TOTALLY successful. GO LAELA!!
When we got home, I quickly jumped on the phone to run a date and time of babysitting by my mom, and when I got off the phone, Laela was in the bathroom, putting her pants back on. I asked what happened, and she told me she had pooped. All on her own. And wiped. I did a quick poop check and while I helped her out just a bit extra, she had done amaaazingly well on her own! I can’t believe I had a little self-starter on my hands! I didn’t think these kids actually existed!
That is so cool!!!! 😁Tell her she’s awesome and what a celebration!!! Lots of love from Grama!!💓