“What are You Up to this Saturday?”

I feel like I was asked this a lot this week, and I’m pretty sure I consistently said we had nothing up. Which is almost unheard of. There is always something to do, especially now that Brady’s work has picked back up. We got used to having time together to putter away at all the activities and errands we could possible imagine throughout the week, and now, we tend to cram our weekends full. So I was completely floored that somehow, we had this whole day off!

I remembered yesterday, when I bothered to check my phone calendar, that I had my hair appointment this morning!! My faaaavorite day that only comes a few times a year 🙂 I was SO excited. So I knew I had that this Saturday.

(Don’t hate me, I forgot to take hair pictures and now I don’t have pants on, so, no pics today! Whoops!)

Now that my hair is done, I came home to a quiet napping house, with one big kid playing lego and another big kid working in a work book, because apparently school itself just isn’t enough. Brady made me a little lunch and now I’m holed up, talking to the blog, trying to figure out what to write on a day when I have nothing too big on the go.

And of course, its hitting me now all the things we could be doing!!

We should be carpet shopping!
I should be making granola bars!
We should be practicing music for our next gig!
We should finish up the laundry!
We should get supper moving!
We need to grocery shop!
I should knit!
I should prep lunches!
We need to vacuum this place!
I really need to tidy my room up!

Does the to-do list ever really end? I think not. But perhaps today is just a day to rest and not accomplish ALL the things. I can’t remember the last time we did that. Maybe today is the day 🙂

I hope some of you are enjoying really restful days! And that some of you are feeling productive and on top of all your goals 🙂