Dekker was happy to get all dressed and go in the van. He’s entered a truly fun stage (in my opinion) of “Whats that?” and “What was that sound?” So we drove down the highway and identified every single thing we saw. We drove across the city and waited in the van for Brady to finish up with his chiro appointment, and then went to supper. It turned out that my parents were going to be in the same general area as us around supper time, so we hit up a nearby Wendys and ate supper together. Grandma and Grandpa are always a big hit, and the fries and unlimited supply of ketchup sure never hurts either. We had a delicious meal together before going our separate ways – theirs to go look at some new technology, and ours to Costco.
Surprisingly, Dekker was pretty excited about Costco. My favorite thing about shopping at Costco is that the carts have space for two kids to sit. Walmart carts only have room for one kid, and while I’ve seen that picture online of the kids crying because they have to share a leg hole, Dekker has so far loved sharing a leg hole with Laela. They make up the worlds CUTEST cart!
See?! Love these kids.
We did a pretty sizeable shop at Costco, and the kids were great sports! Going through the till is always the part we dread, since the kids don’t appreciate new people, as I’ve expressed in the past a thousand times. Somehow, Costco wasn’t super busy today so we were only waiting behind one cart in our line. Of course, a family lined up behind us and immediately made eyes at Dekker. Instead of screaming and pitching a fit, he leaned against Laela and sort of cuddled his face into her face. He was trying to hide and be shy, but really, he just looked totally cuddly and adorable. The family behind us was very adoring, and said it was very good that he was shy. “Don’t talk to strangers!” they said to him. He smiled at them hesitantly. I walked through the cart part with them, and as soon as the cashier caught a glimpse of them, she grabbed a pad of paper and drew some happy faces for them. One for each. Dekker shied away a bit, but the cashier wouldn’t give them to me to pass on. She was very gentle, and eventually, Dekker took his, even with a “thank you.” Laela happily took hers too, and I talked to the kids about how the new lady was sooo nice that she drew pictures of them! Once we were done at the till, we headed for the exit where the guy with the marker stands to check your receipt. He saw their pictures and joined the fun by drawing yet another, funnier face on his receipt. Dekker gave up his car to hold two pictures! It was a definite highlight.
On the drive home, Dekker told me that he had a lot of fun at Costco. I asked him what part was fun and he said “papers!”
The kids are now in bed, and Brady was putting some of the groceries away when I heard a sound and a sigh from the kitchen.
What happened?
*Sigh* I dropped an egg. Under the stove.
Um, ok. Do you want some help?
I had to laugh a little bit 🙂 Its been quite a day actually, and it would have to end with something slimy and sticky breaking on the floor. But all is well! We’re one egg down, but many groceries up, with two sleeping babes and a bath on its way. Positivity, folks!!!