Well that was embarrassing…

Two BIG embarrassing things happened to our family today. I would oh so much appreciate it if you guys didn’t judge us. We are currently wiped out beyond belief from todays events and it is just time to call it a day. Very, very soon.

Firstly, Tuesday is a day our landfill is open! We had our whole day planned around it. We napped the kids early, and began the massive job of hauling the garbage upstairs from our furnace room. It was FINALLY all cleared out of there, but sitting in our living room. It was then that we remembered that it was Remembrance Day. Don’t judge us, please! With the way Bradys job goes, we are so rarely even aware of when stat holidays even are, since he works them often. He’s had a few days off just with the way scheduling worked out this month, so we’ve been taking advantage of the days to get things done, and yes, we forgot about Remembrance Day. So that sucked. We got over it and moved the huge haul of garbage onto our deck so we could try again soon. Sadly, our local dump doesn’t open again for a couple of days, and Brady will be back at work over those days. So at best, Brady might take a load in to the city tomorrow, but we’ll still have at least one more run that will have to wait. More likely, our garbage will sit oh so beautifully on our deck for the world to see until Saturday when the landfill opens again. So that was a big win for us.

Secondly, Dekker had a haircut scheduled for this evening. He’s sad through them fine before, with just a bit of a bribe. So we told him about it, so he knew it was coming, with promises of candies during the cut, and supper out afterwards. HUGE incentives for my little boy. But guys, no word of a lie, I don’t think I have ever been so embarrassed as I was this evening 🙁 I still feel like crying. We got in early, which was wonderful. It gave us lots of time. Dekker went absolutely nuts. As in I’ve never seen him like that. He screamed and thrashed and wouldn’t listen to anything. Its impossible to speak to someone screaming so loudly he can’t hear anything over his own voice. My hair girl is excellent and just waited patiently. She gave us tons of time. We even ducked out and all sat on a bench outside the salon to discuss what we needed to do. He finally agreed that, if he had a smoothie, he would drink it while he sat quietly for his haircut. We asked him a number of times, and he seemed to understand and agree. Turns out, not so much. He sat on Bradys lap and just lost it. People who were waiting in the salon not-so-subtly informed the staff that they’d rather wait out in the mall. It was horrific. Finally, Carlinna just asked if I wanted her to just go for it, and we agreed. She worked sooo fast, and Dekker thrashed and freaked the whole time. It was unbelievable. Again, I was so embarrassed 🙁 I mean, they all said it was pretty common that kids were scared of haircuts and new places, and when I asked Calinna if he was her first crazy three year old, she laughed right out loud and said she’d been in this exact spot hundreds of times. So they really wanted us to feel ok, but we were so choked.

Needless to say, supper out was cancelled and we drove home in silence. Dekker ate supper and proceeded to scream (literally) for the next 45 minutes or so. He went down to bed almost an hour early. It was a truly awful way to end the day. I’m emotionally wiped out and at a complete loss. I know we all have days like this, and I know the stereotype that comes with three year olds. I just have never seen Dekker like this, but these last few days have certainly given us a run for our money, and sanity.

The kids are now both tucked away, but not sleeping. Make them sleeeeep! Brady and I still haven’t eaten, but we both feel more sick than hungry. What a day. Hoping for some normalcy tomorrow.