Guys. We made it to June 12th – almost the entire school year – without a flu. Until today.
Wavy woke up for milk around 5:30am and Brady got up to make a bottle. He lulled me awake and said Laela was sitting on the bottom of our stairs, and that she said she had thrown up. I took over with Wavy and he helped Laela. He changed her bedding and held her while she heaved and lost some more. Then he tucked her back in and she went back to sleep.
She’s spent the morning on the loveseat.

She insists she doesn’t want or need anything. She’s taking tiny sips of water here and there, and is gagging most of it up after a while. I’ve told her I wish I could help her, and she assures me she’s fine.

Pssst! Hey Laela!

How does she manage to look so soft and beautiful when she’s been barfing all morning??? Whats your trick, Laela? We ALL want to know!
So please say a prayer for my Laela Hazel today, if you think of it. She has a field trip on Friday that she would be completely devastated to miss!
I’ve set a few books beside my little sickie pants and she propped herself up to read them almost immediately. Hopefully that adds some enjoyment to her day 🙂 Wish us luck!
Awww, so hard for us as Mom’s, Grama’s to see the little ones sick!