We had plans to hole up for the day. Maybe watch a movie. Brady talked about taking the kids to play outside. Cabin fever is very real over here. Unfortunately, the day started rough for the kids, too, and it was clear we needed a change of scenery. As it happens, we’ve been doing a lot of shopping at Costco recently but have been very much neglecting what needs buying at Superstore and Walmart. So, I slapped on my pelvic support belt and made it work!
Thank goodness for these parking spots! I already feel like I’m not far from asking for a handicapped parking pass, so when these spots are free, we jump at them!
Walmart was first, and as you can see, we have a new method of cart pushing, lol! At Walmart, the carts only have a seat for one rider, so unlike his usual, Rowan ends up walking. This way, Brady pulls the cart, but the three kids “push” it, therefore all holding on, and “helping.” Its a pretty cute sight, in my opinion.
We had a very quick lunch and everyone was energized enough to make it through Superstore without too much struggle. Solly is a bit of a loose cannon, and is very screamy some days, especially when he’s tired, and we got to Superstore riiiiight at nap time. But he made it! They all did 🙂 Crisis-free grocery shop!
They’re so cute!
Half the group napped on the way home, and one continued to sleep in his room once we got there. I made my way across the street and helped our forever-generous neighbours with their fresh cinnamon bun overload problem. We are SO helpful 😉 And also SO thankful!
We are now all home, one kid is sleeping, the other three are having some quiet time watching Netflix, Brady put away all the groceries, and I am blogging (obviously) and giving my body and break from the crazy belt. I’m so thankful for it, and it saves me from all kinds of pelvic pain, but its ineffective unless its ridiculously tight, and that on its own gets irritating and sore after a while. Must. Rest. Body.
I anticipate a quiet, slow moving evening! Maybe we’ll have cinnamon buns for breakfast. Thats ok, right? Yum.