We aimed for a routine Sunday over here, but it kind of didn’t take, lol! But that’s fair, because our routine kind of tanked anyway.
We were going to church fairly consistently, but we had a kid shuffle in our family that turned a few things on their head, and the babies no longer would hang out in the nursery during the service. Now, I am a full supporter of pacing in the back of the church while holding a baby. I did it for years with our kids. But now I have three at once, which definitely complicates it. And add to that, for sure two of those babies will likely only come to me and no one else. Which speaks beautifully towards our attachment, but stinks when I don’t have three arms. So.
We went this morning, and I tried to sneak out of the nursery. I made it back into the service for less than ten seconds before I heard my one little toddler just screaming. Knowing there was a bit too much trauma attached to that scream to ride it out, I grabbed my coffee and made myself at home in the nursery for the service. No big deal.
We came home and put the babies to bed right away. I got into a new puzzle yesterday, so I worked on that and ate leftover cheesy chicken noodle soup.

Once the kids were up, we loaded them into the van and we drove around town, delivering some Christmas cards. If you didn’t get one here in town, I’m so sorry! You can still have one! It was a very scattered effort :/ Let me know 💜 And there are still many to mail. I’m behind. I conveniently blame Canada Post. But! We still ran around and dropped a handful off around town. Dekker got out of the van to run a few to mailboxes, but he had to climb over a baby seat 🤣 Which was way too much fun for us, lol!

Once we were home, we got out the griddle Brady got for Christmas and cooked up some pancakes and bacon for supper. The dial on the griddle made us feel like our kids are missing some things. Did yours come with that dial?? 🤔 Maybe we need to upgrade…

I tease. It felt like a bit of a struggly day over here, but I think its mostly just me. The last few days have been challenging, and my nerves are pretty shot. Hopefully tomorrow brings some peace. God takes care of us, absolutely always.