We spent all day yesterday at my mom’s house, and we had SO much fun! The kids played hard, and the nappers napped long. So long, in fact, that we ended up keeping them up way past their bedtimes. It benefitted them because they could spend more time at grandma’s, and it benefitted us because we were able to get a ton of stuff done all together! A very successful day!
We decided to stay home from church today, and have a solid day of relaxation. Yesterday was honestly SO FUN, but a home day is always good, too. The first chunk of the morning was super chill, as everyone woke up slowly.

Can you tell Wavy had pigtails in yesterday?

😂 Its a look.
Brady and I sat and enjoyed a cup of coffee together while the kids played, but it wasn’t long before they wanted to go out!
*Brief rant ahead*
I can’t wait until we have a yard :/ Its so hard not ever being able to let them out on their own. Not only are they young with age-appropriate judgement, but the alley behind our house is driven frequently (often carelessly) and people also use our street and area of town as an off-leash. They’re all TERRIFIED of dogs. Not saying danger will befall them, but it could. So if they go out, we go out, no matter what.
*Rant over*
Brady had some things to do outside on his work van and on our deck stairs, so he took the kids out with him to bike and play on the swings. I stayed in and worked on some projects while Waverly napped. It was so nice and restful.
Everyone came in for lunch, and the nappers went down for naps. The big kids played Lego, and Brady and I had a little lunch together. Nap time was cut a little short, and the rest of the afternoon was spent outside.
Our kids and their helmets 😆 I swear, they start with bikes and just leave those things on! We’re not a “put on your helmet before you go outside” family, lol!

Supper was a bit of a battle, and the evening is spent on BATHS, because WOW those kids got dirty yesterday! And knowing they were going to spend the bulk of today outside, we saved baths for tonight. But seriously 😳 Them scalps are in rough shape!
Wish us luck for the remainder of the evening! Whats everyone doing tomorrow? Not sure whether to have another restful home day, or run errands, or hit up the lake real quick? Probably not the lake. It will be crazy this weekend. Plus, we have baaaaand practice tomorrow night!! Who’s coming to the car show??