We Lasted the Weekend!

We made it. We managed to not bail in the dead of night, but rather we slept all three nights there 🤣 I talk like that never happens, and it does. It always does! Except last weekend. And that sucked so bad for all of us. So hopefully no repeats 🤞

This weekend was fun and lovely, with good company, weather, food, fires, and even some rest.
Sleeps weren’t wonderful, but that’s babies for you. Nothing new there! I think there will be some betterment there in the fall, when school starts up and we build a more concrete routine.

Speaking of school, this coming weekend is going to hold ALL the school supplies stuff. It’s all purchased and has arrived (I think) so it’s time to sort it all, label it, and get it into backpacks and then never look at it again ✌️ Should be easy enough! Only three appointments over the next four days. Brady has his daily radiation appointment, of course, but now that he drives, he can hit those up and I can get the other ones going. Two are even at home. Oh and there’s kids club this week.

Lots going on, as usual. Hopefully I can sneak a Costco shop in there somewhere, and pack us all up for camp next weekend! Haha! Christopher Lake Days!!! We can’t miss THAT!!!

One day at a time 😅 A tough concept!