We didn’t have a ton to get, so we hit Walmart for a couple of things, grabbed creamer out of Safeway, and then were faced with the decision we so often are faced with!
“Its 4:30. We still need Costco. Do we get supper super early, or eat it super later at home?”
Today we opted for an early supper just for the kids, and Brady and I would eat later after they went to bed. The kids had eaten pretty lightly throughout the day, so they were already hungry enough to eat, and Brady and I are adults and can hold it together even when we’re hungry, lol!
A quick drive to McDonalds, and we were headed to Costco.
I love Costco. Pretty much always. We got our staple foods, plus found a couple of sales that will make for yummy school lunches, and a couple boxes of diapers. What will life even feel like to NOT buy diapers one day?! Maybe I’ll have grandkids to diaper at that point 😲 I tease. Sort of. I noticed the gladiolas are out! I might have to go buy a bunch or two of those soon. They’re easily among my favorite flowers. All in all, though, the shop was good. No one even cried! Wavy did vomit on me, though. At least it was our last stop!
Because babies in carriers. #momlife, am I right? Oh, and that little spot on my neckline? Ya, thats a booger. Thanks, girl.
We had a smooth bedtime, and now that 4/5 kids are down, we can also let down. Soon. Still need to bathe the baby, wrap a gift, come up with supper, and run a bath for my super sore, coughing body. This cold will leave eventually, right?