Wavy got a new bed a while back already, but we haven’t had the nerve to set it up yet. She’s been in a crib this whole time, so going from that to a big girl bed gives her a LOT of freedom, and we were hesitant to open that door until recently. As we have about a million projects swirling in our brains these days, the great garage purge/reorganize has begun! And with that, Wavy’s bed was time to make its way into her room.
Brady disassembled her crib and I hauled the pieces out. Then I brought in the board to lay in the new frame, and then Dekker helped me carry it inside.

I am SO thankful for God’s timing. Brady is not able to help me carry heavy things up and down the stairs, but Dekker is old enough and excited to help! While I’ll admit that sometimes doing all the legwork in these scenarios leaves me feeling a little bit lonely, I am overwhelmingly grateful for a kid who wants to help, is able to help, and a husband who has taught him by example.
Waverly was SO happy with her new bed. 😍

Her first comments were about how much she liked her bed, and that she was not going to get out of it during the night or naps.
She went down for naps easily, excited to snuggle in her “big bed yike Yayas.”

Aaaaand she DID fall asleep!!!

I’m calling this a great success! We’ll see how the night goes, but I’m confident that Laela will be eagerly coming upstairs to rat her out if she steps out of line 😆What are big sisters for, right?
Its been a good day. Lots to organize. Lots to accomplish. Lots of rest still needed.
So cute, love her bed! Love her cute smile in it! 💖😍😄! She’s adorable! 💗
She loves it 🙂 A very happy girl